Legs Legs Legs


Curtsy Lunge  20 x 3

Forward Lunge 20x 3

Backward Lunge 20 x 3

Bridges 100

Donkey Kicks 20 x 3

Clamshells 30 x 3

Plie Squat 20 x 3

Calf raises 60

Push ups 60

Crunches 100

Heel touch crunches 50

You can always add weight or do more reps if you want to give yourself more of a challenge!

Curtsy Lunge


Bum Bum!




15-20 minutes of dancing, or jog or run outside!


Repeat the following Circuit 3 times


20 donkey kicks (each side)

20 Fire Hydrants ( each side)

20 Squat side leg raise

50 Mountain climbers

50 bridges

15 one leg bridge (each side)

50 mountain climbers

20 deadlifts

10 single leg deadlift (each side)


You can add weight to any of the exercises.

Below are some example of the exercises.

Donkey Kicks

leg kickbacks

Fire Hydrants

fire hydrants

Squat side leg raise


Mountain Climbers




One leg bridge


Deadlift – Don’t forget to squeeze your glutes!


One leg dead lift


Total Body Circuit


Warm Up 

Run around your block

Repeat the following sequence as many times in 20 minutes

5 burpees w/push up

20 russian twists (can add weight)

15 squats

20 sit ups

50 mountain climbers


Added weight could be: water bottles, pots and pans, a rock from your backyard, you can fill a bag with heavy things around your house, be creative! You can also buy cheap weights at Ross, TJMax, and Marshalls!

Burn those Legs!


Warm Up

Run or Jog outside for 15 minutes


Do 100 jumping jacks, and 25 front kicks on both legs

Repeat the following exercise as many times in 20 minutes.


5 push ups

30 second plank

15 sit ups

5 burpees

10 dips

50 mountain climbers

20 russian twist (you can hold weight when you do these, you can use a pan, water bottle, anything you can find in your house)


Push Yourself and keep track of how many times you repeated in 20 minutes so you can beat that the next time you do it.


Eat Healthy, Be Active, Stay Healthy

Any questions on exercises or comments don’t be shy!